Update: We have changed the location of this event. See below.

We had a terrific turnout and a wonderful time at last year's event as we emerged from the long pandemic period, and we want to keep the momentum going to benefit as many handbell ensembles and individual ringers in our area as possible! So we’d love to see you at Read & Ring 2023, happening on Saturday, Aug. 19 in Vancouver, WA.

Handbell directors and ringers will be given an opportunity to read through music for all seasons, decide what you like, and purchase music at a discount for your choir to use during the year. Bring your choir or come alone and meet new people!

Early Bird registration, through Monday, Aug. 7, is just $30 per person. After Aug. 7, registration is $45 per person. NOTE: Unlike previous years, we are not offering a "group of 5 = sixth person free" option, as we are asking each attendee to register individually this year. Click the link below for more details.

Learn more about Read & Ring 2023 and register today.