We're cruising to Alaska in 2016!

Bells of the Cascades has become known as the “cruising choir” within the world of handbells, having sponsored 13 seven-day cruises during our history.

Our next handbell cruise runs from July 31 to Aug. 7, 2016 — from Vancouver, BC to Alaska!

Featured clinician Fred Gramann will lead participants through exciting and innovative handbell pieces, with positions open to ringers at all levels. Meanwhile, you'll enjoy seven days and nights on the Celebrity Infinity along the Inside Passage to the ports of Icy Straight Point, Hubbard Glacier, Juneau, and Ketchikan, Alaska.

The cruise sets sail the day following the 17th International Handbell Symposium in Vancouver, so if you're already attending that event, this is a perfect way to extend your handbell trip!

We can't wait to see you on the high seas!