Our last concert season wouldn't have been the same without our low bass bells.

Now let me hasten to add that we appreciate all notes, played by all ringers—I'm not trying to start a fight between sections!

One of our strengths as an ensemble is our six and a half octaves of bells, going down to the G2 (with chimes going down to C2).

Complicating matters, composers insist on writing music in different keys, so while "G" is the lowest note we have, it's not always the lowest note in a chord. What would Bach's Brandenburg Concerto, Vivaldi's Four Seasons, or Dvořák's American Quartet be without a low F? Not much, that's what.

Donate to help us expand our bass bells

This past concert season we had a number of pieces requiring that F2, like My Neighbor Totoro and Don't Stop Me Now.

This past season we rented the F2, at a cost of several hundred dollars. (Handbell experts among you might notice that we rented a Malmark bell, because Schulmerich doesn't have a rental program.) As we continue to push the bounds of handbell performance, our demand for this bell will increase.

That's why we need your help so that Bells of the Cascades can purchase the F2.

Low-bass handbells aren't cheap: It's more than $4,000 to purchase an F2. That's why we're asking for your help: Donate now and help us "swing" this bell!

As the rest of our handbell set is Schulmerich, we intend to purchase that type of F2. We believe this will be the only bronze F2 on the West Coast, and it won't only benefit Bells of the Cascades.

Every year we contribute our musical equipment to Distinctly Bronze West—the F2 will be no exception. We're also open to loaning the bell out for other similar events.

As a community organization, we rely heavily on the support of our patrons and donors to keep our program alive and thriving within the Portland area and all across the Pacific Northwest.

We're grateful to you for your continued interest, belief, and support of our organization as we navigate all that life has to throw our way. It is the support and generosity from you that will keep us ringing for years to come! Thank you!

--Garrett Bond, president, Bells of the Cascades