Announcing our winners!

Congratulations to the winners of Bells of the Cascades' 25th anniversary composition contest, announced tonight at our concert:

  • First prize to Alex Guebert from Orange, California for "Out of the Silent Planet"
  • Second prize to Michael Mazzatenta from Corpus Christi, Texas for "Brave the Day"

Bells of the Cascades will premier the winning compositions at its concert in October -- mark your calendar now!

Congratulations to the other composition contest finalists, in no particular order:

  • Ed Martin from Neenah, Wisconsin for "Conjuring"
  • John Hooper from Edmonton, Alberta for "Passacaglia Chromatica"
  • Nathan Whittaker from Harrisonburg, Virginia for "Penumbra"

Once again, we were very pleased with the quality and creativity with all the handbell compositions we received. Thank you!